We are deeply troubled by the impact of COVID-19 on our beloved events community and our clients who are being forced to make very difficult decisions in an effort to protect the industries and the people they represent.

CSG has been in constant communication with our clients discussing strategies on messaging cancellations, postponements, moving forward in a virtual environment, and “wait and see” approaches.

Although our dynamic and resilient industry has weathered storms in the past, the impact of this virus is unchartered territory for most. In times of crisis, we believe that staying in touch with your constituents, stakeholders, and larger industry is essential to position your organization in the best light when we emerge. On social, via email, with media partners, LinkedIn, stay engaged and connected and in a leadership position. Having empathy and understanding for those that are scared, showing support for those that are disappointed, and managing the anger that is evoked during times of stress are all imperative during this time.

The greater events industry has banded together and curated a number of resources from leading industry organizations for up-to-the-minute information concerning COVID-19 and the industry’s response to the crisis.

And let us know how we can help.

Helpful resources: