You’ve probably heard the key to a successful venture is “location, location, location.” You’ve also probably heard the phrase, “timing is everything.” Well both are true, in business and in life.
As marketers, we analyze and test the best time to send your messages out. We also know that where you hold your conference can make a significant difference in your attendance levels. These two things, location and timing, have been on my mind lately, particularly as it concerns my own travel schedule.
My family and I were debating just last night whether we were super lucky or bring about curses upon the lands we visit. I’m not superstitious so I’m going to go with a saying from one of my favorite authors, John Irving, “Fate waits. While you hurry or while you wait, it’s all the same to fate.”
What I’m talking about is our vacation karma. The last three locations I’ve traveled to all had serious events take place right after my visit. Several years ago, I was in Norway. The week after I left Oslo, a terrorist bombed a building and killed a bunch of children at a camp. Then there was the trip to Africa last summer. Again, a week after we left Nairobi, there was an attack on a mall there. Finally, we come to my most recent trip. I visited Israel a few weeks ago. The most recent fighting started while we were there, but the missile attacks started a few days after we left.
The world is a very beautiful place and I love to venture out and discover cultures different from mine and to walk along ancient paths or breathe in the fresh air of pristine forests and mountains. Israel was fascinating and the people we met were lovely. I count myself lucky to have the privilege of seeing the ancient sites, floating in the Dead Sea, feeling the wind off the Sea of Galilee, touching the famous Western Wall, shopping in the Arab market of the Old City of Jerusalem, standing on top of Masada in 110 degree heat looking out over the dessert wilderness, and eating shawarma and hummus.
So, as in business, so it is in life, timing and location are everything. I hope you are visiting lovely locations for your summer vacations and enjoying your time away with loved ones. I’m starting the process of deciding on a location for next year. The timing? Well, I’m sure nothing will happen while I’m there, so we’ll roll the dice and go!
What is your dream adventure? Tell us all about it!
Here are a few photos from Israel: